Monday, February 15, 2010


I recently bought a shirt online and as I was reading through the fine print I found this:

Once an order is out the door there's not much we can do short of breaking into the post office in the middle of the night, and they recently installed a new security system.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Love simplified.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


General Math Stuff
I have not finished reading it but it seems interesting. It is an over view of math from 1+1 forward.

Mathematical search engine. If you don't try anything else follow this link. (Try searching for your birthday or name)

Facebook Groups (I have no idea why there are so few fans on all of these)
Where would we be without algebra?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dear Mother,

Ever since I left the squalid dread army my life has been changing. I used to think everyone was out to get me, and in truth they were. In my past many times I was attacked with no forewarning. I am by no means saying I didn't deserve it but simply that I didn't expect it. I tried not to let you see my bruises to hold up our reputation. But in reality, I am sure I deserved it.

This caused me to be very wary of strangers.

Ever since I have begun living in the house of the Commander I have been safer. I believe it is because of my masters blameless reputation. If my master ever sends me to do an errand or meet someone for him, the other party projects his uprightness onto me. I have done nothing to deserve it.

with love,
-The Slave

Note: This letter was sent the day after the letter to my father


As I looked over the battlefield today, I was reminded of what we were fighting for. I thought of all my loved ones. When I started thinking about my daughter, I was overwhelmed. She can be so much like me... The way her heart breaks with every injustice. She prays like everything depends on God, but then lives like it all depends on her. Even though she is strong, there are times when she tries to carry all the weight of the world on her own and she ends up crushes, brought to her knees. As she cries out for relief, she will finally let go, surrendering all the burden by believing that everything has a purpose and will work out for good... It's only here that she fins air to breathe again. I wish she would come to this place quicker sometimes. So often she feels guilty for not being able to hold it all herself, but if only she knew how wonderful she is. I've written several times to remind her of these things but I haven't gotten a response in months.

-The Commander