Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dear Mother,

Ever since I left the squalid dread army my life has been changing. I used to think everyone was out to get me, and in truth they were. In my past many times I was attacked with no forewarning. I am by no means saying I didn't deserve it but simply that I didn't expect it. I tried not to let you see my bruises to hold up our reputation. But in reality, I am sure I deserved it.

This caused me to be very wary of strangers.

Ever since I have begun living in the house of the Commander I have been safer. I believe it is because of my masters blameless reputation. If my master ever sends me to do an errand or meet someone for him, the other party projects his uprightness onto me. I have done nothing to deserve it.

with love,
-The Slave

Note: This letter was sent the day after the letter to my father

1 comment:

  1. I dont understand whats going on till now :) First of all I dont know if left game development and starting writing strange letters :-?? Thats kinda wired -??

    I dont know whats going on anymore :D all I hope is u always happy and in good heath :)
