Dear Father,
Awhile ago I got myself in a trouble. I procured a debt that was much more than I could pay. I am sorry that this is the first you are hearing of it, but do not worry, I am well. When you owe a debt you cannot pay there there are few places to turn. Rather than turn to you and face your wrath, I went to the commander of the passerby army begging him to take me as a slave so I could repay my debt.
He was quite gracious, he instantly accepted my request and my debt to the dread army was paid in full. What is more my life actually became better as I started my years of servitude. I never had to worry about were my next meal was coming from, I was even allowed to sit at my masters table. I could think of no one and no thing that I would rather be indebted too. The work did not even feel like work because my master was my savior. I could never have paid my insurmountable debt without him.
When my debt was paid off I decided to stay on as a voluntary slave. I had my family with me and I could think of nothing else I needed. I was provided with everything I needed. I had hard work but compared to the debt I was under before it seemed small.
I am sorry I did not tell you until now. You and mother would like it here.
Most slaves don't have my master.
-The Slave